A past relationship is one that you are no longer in. Some past relationship quotes are full of humor and wit while others may reveal anger or bitterness instead. Trying to get back a past relationship is usually futile but once in a while the previous bond is still there and the love may be rekindled. The best thing to do with a past relationship is to leave it in the past and move on with your life. This is the healthiest attitude to have because the past relationship ended for a reason. Thinking about a past relationship frequently is a sign that you have not moved past it yet and you still need more time to get over it. Your past relationship experience is what makes you a better person today.
Never be a prisoner of your past, it was just a lesson not a life sentence.
Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching.
'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
A person who hates everyone now, once loved someone too much.
I don't regret my past. I just regret the time I've wasted with the wrong people