Positivity Attracts Good Things
Another unattributed quote, but one so popular its found in books, music and any othe...
Often attributed to poet Maya Angelou, this is another quote to help you make the most of every day. It sounds sim...
Who originally said this is lost in myth, some say Zig Ziggler, the noted motivational speaker, but the message is...
A quote from David Goggins, who as a former Navy Seal and acclaimed endurance athlete, knows a thing or two about ...
Let them say what they want, You just keep doing you.
Party , Memory , Being A Good Person , Today , Being Disrespected , Being Ignored , Race , Men and Women , Being Awesome , Astronomy , Wisdom , Being Wrong , Benevolence , Being Brave , Catastrophe , Friendship , Learning , Easter Blessings , Childhood , Destruction , Giving Up , Give Me Strength , Examination , Management , Positive Affirmation , Doubt , Prevention , Pick Up Lines , Gold , Poverty , Thanksgiving , Missing You , Civil Rights , Speech , Being Humble , Dance , Investment , Nosey People , Therapy , Reputation