Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.In the modern world it seems like there is never enough time, and everyone is always in a big hurry. Between work, other responsibilities, errands, and other time consuming tasks it is no wonder that people are stressed out, and they never have time to relax or spend time with the important people in their lives. You should never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life or take the time to stop and smell the flowers or enjoy making memories with those that you care about. Spending every waking minute trying to climb the corporate ladder may help you achieve financial stability, but all the money in the world can not make up for missed time when you get old.
If you reach the highest level of business success but you end up alone, without friends or family to care about or who care about you, then what was the point of all your hard work? Take time out for yourself each day, and never forget about the most important thing in life which is those we care about most. Spend time with friends and family, make memories together, and cherish the time that you have on this earth. If you get so busy trying to make ends meet that you neglect to build a life then you will never be truly happy, and your life will be one day of drudgery after another. This is no way to live, because the joy of loved ones and the beauty that can be found when you slow down is incredible.