Picture Quotes

  • It takes a strong man to handle a broken woman.

    Added Date - Nov 10, 2021

    It takes a strong man to handle a broken woman

    It takes a strong man to handle a broken woman meaning to prove that all men are not the same compared to her previous relationship experience, you need to show her true love, understanding, and patience.

    We all know that lots of people go through hiccups in relationships, most especially ladies and these have affected both their emotional and normal lifestyles in general. Some end up classifying a particular gender as birds of the same feather. Some relationships might not go the way we expect them to be, doesn’t mean we can have a perfect one. As a man, you get to meet different women everyday but some have had terrible relationship experiences. You might end up loving someone who was once broken and because of previous experience does not want to trust you or give you a chance in her life. Despite that, do not be discouraged. You can only change her mindset or thinking by showing genuine interest, accepting her current state, and amending her broken feelings.


    Love is all about meeting the right person that can understand and accept everything about you. Sometimes, a broken woman might not express the type of attitude you want but do not blame her. Instead, try to understand her, find out why she was broken, and work on it. Although it might not be a quick job but with the right words and love gestures towards her, you can win her back.


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Let them say what they want, You just keep doing you.


Picture Quote Topics

First Love , Being Cheated On , Planning , Self-confidence , Overcoming Challenges , Negativity , Today , Moods , Selfish Facebook Status , Life Balance , Being Judged , Busy Life , Men , Inspirational , Complaining , Being Myself , Cheering Up , Admiration , Friendship , Friendship Day , Christmas Giving , Beliefs , Babies , Departure , Religious , Fearless , Respect , Electricity , Suffering , Sex , Solution , Old age , Missing Him , Justification , Ethics , Police , Denial , Problem , Internet Love , Empathy

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