Picture Quotes

  • Being a mother is the highest paid job in the world, since the payment is in pure love!

    Added Date - Sep 21, 2016

    being mother status

    You always hear that nobody knows the love of a parent, and that a child gives you the only unconditional love in a lifetime. This is why being a mother is the highest paid job in the world, since the payment is pure love. Nothing is going to depend on your life a child will. Once they are born they are utterly dependent on their mother and father. This child is unknowing and only wants to be with their parents. This type of bond is an incredible once in a lifetime experience, and a mother's love is unlike any other. Children cannot give anything other than their unconditional love to their parents which is why this quote is so true. Plus, the love of a mother and child is unmatched by anything in the world.

    This quote touches everyone's heart because it means so much to be a mother. Women are the vessels of the Earth and they hold the keys to the world. They can create and manage families, and do so much more than most people give them credit. Most women choose to stay at home with their children because of the joy that they get from raising their kids. Children bring the ultimate satisfaction to anyone in their lives. This is why so many women are proud to be stay at home moms, because of the benefits that they get daily by having an active part in their children's development. This unmatched love from a child is the reason that so many mothers choose this path.

Quote of the Day

Let them say what they want, You just keep doing you.


Picture Quote Topics

Bad Relationship , Good Morning , A New Day , Living , Single women , Fuck Love , Being Happy , Being Ignored , Understanding , Parenting , Today's Prayer , Thankfulness , Being Who You Are , Abusive Relationship , Death and dying , Breakup , Realization , Complicated Life , Direction , Meaning , Tears , Confusion , Enemies , Inspirational Mothers Day , Boss Day Facebook Status , Procrastination , Force , Goodwill , Criticism , Mothers Day Card , Mothers Day Greetings , Expression , Drama Queen , Heaven , Ugliness , Distrust , Happy Birthday , Baseball , Diversity , I Dont Give A Fuck

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