Don't wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your garden and decorate your own soul.
Don't look back can be very good advice if you have been through a tough time or had something bad happen. If you end a relationship or suffer from misfortune then look forward to a brighter future, not back to darker days. As long as you are alive you should have hope, and looking back can not change anything.
Don't wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your garden and decorate your own soul.
God is about to make a way for you and take you places you never imagined. Don't give up!
Winners are not people who never fail but people who never quit.
Happiness can be found in even the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
One day I'm healing next day I'm breaking again. Both days I'm not giving up tho.
Stop living like you can't be replaced, you're very replaceable.