Picture Quotes

  • You have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life.

    Added Date - Aug 24, 2020

    You have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life.

    You have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life. Meaning that the days which are horrible make the good days that much sweeter, and give you a point of reference. Life is not just one steady tempo, it comes with ups and downs. There are days which seem like a struggle from the time you wake up until you close your eye and go to sleep, but these days are what you pay to earn the best days. When you keep an attitude of gratitude and are determined to handle whatever life throws at you then even your worst days won't seem so bad.

    On days when things seem dark and it is a fight just to make it to the end it is important to remember that there is always a light on the other side. God never gives you more than you can handle, even though it may seem like it, and you must experience sorrow in order to know true joy. Everything in life is balanced and your bad days will be few and far between when you have a positive mindset and you remember that things will get better eventually.

Quote of the Day

I've always believed that if you put in the work the results will come.

Michael Jordan

Picture Quote Topics

Picture , Blessings , Passion , Being Disappointed , Priorities , Ambition , Disappointed Love , Being Awesome , Wisdom , Inspirational , Being Strong , Feelings , Decision , Past Relationships , Learning , Opinions , Facebook , Workers , Opposites , Free Thinking , Examination , Government , Father Daughter , Justice , I Really Like You , Never Change , Gods , Daddys Girls , Finance , Victory , Best Friend , Modernity , Perception , Realism , The World Today , Discontent , Pride , Girly , Weekend , I Dont Give A Fuck

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