Sometimes you meet a person, and you just click. You are comfortable with them, and you don't have to pretend to be anyone or anything, meaning it doesn't matter how long you have known someone; connectivity is the key to friendship. If you are comfortable with someone, your actions and character will speak.
Most people claim that everyone is their friend, but the bitter truth is everybody is not your friend. The fact that you are always together or laugh every time doesn't mean they are your friend. People pretend quite well, and when you need them, they are not there for you. Then, you will realize they are just fake friends, so pay attention. You should not be friends with people who will alter your peace of mind, values, and worth. Some people never experience peace of mind or self-worth because they move with the wrong set of friends, and they do not realize it because they haven't met someone that will make them experience peace of mind as well as value them. However, if you are lucky to come across someone you belong to the same level together and connect well with, you begin to feel at the vibe and peace of mind while with that person, then you realize how comfortable you get whenever you are with such person.
When you meet this set of people in your life, you will discover there are amazing souls out there, and during your strangest circumstances, they help you feel alive.