When I grew up, the conservatives were the isolationists and the liberals were the idealists. Now it's reversed Quotes By : Dennis Prager | Added By:
When you are guaranteed you will win, you can take very inflammatory, very extreme positions. If you have to run in a district where where you might lose, you will move to the center. That is the beauty of the two party system in America as opposed to the parliamentary system in Europe Quotes By : Dennis Prager | Added By:
Conservatives divide the world in terms of good and evil while liberals do it in terms of the rich and poor Quotes By : Dennis Prager | Added By:
If your religion doesn't teach you the difference between good and evil, your religion is worse than useless Quotes By : Dennis Prager | Added By:
Those who are compassionate when they should be tough will be tough when they should be compassionate Quotes By : Dennis Prager | Added By:
There is little correlation between the circumstances of people's lives and how happy they are Quotes By : Dennis Prager | Added By:
Not only do we have a right to be happy, we have an obligation to be happy— because our happiness has an effect on everyone around us Quotes By : Dennis Prager | Added By:
Given the amount of unjust suffering and unhappiness in the world, I am deeply grateful for, sometimes even perplexed by, how much misery I have been spared Quotes By : Dennis Prager | Added By:
There is much less envy of the rich by the poor than there is of the happy by the unhappy; by those who believe by those who don’t believe Quotes By : Dennis Prager | Added By: