At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace the savage races throughout the world Quotes By : Charles Darwin | Added By:
A man who dares to waste one hour of life has not discovered the value of life Quotes By : Charles Darwin | Added By:
In the survival of favoured individuals and races, during the constantly-recurring struggle for existence, we see a powerful and ever-acting form of selection Quotes By : Charles Darwin | Added By:
It is generally admitted that with woman the powers of intuition, of rapid perception and perhaps of imitation, are more strongly marked than in man: but some, at least, of these faculties are characteristic of the lower races, and therefore of a pas Quotes By : Charles Darwin | Added By:
Man tends to increase at a greater rate than his means of subsistence Quotes By : Charles Darwin | Added By:
Man is descended from a hairy, tailed quadruped, probably arboreal in its habit Quotes By : Charles Darwin | Added By:
It is a cursed evil to any man to become as absorbed in any subject as I am in mine Quotes By : Charles Darwin | Added By:
The belief in God has often been advanced as not only the greatest but the most complete of all the distinctions between man and the lower animals. It is, however, impossible to maintain that this belief is instinctive in man. The idea of a universal and beneficent creator does not seem to arise in the mind of man until he has been elevated by long, continued culture Quotes By : Charles Darwin | Added By:
Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such fine graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and serious objection which can be urged against the theory Quotes By : Charles Darwin | Added By:
To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selections, seems, I confess, absurd in the highest degree Quotes By : Charles Darwin | Added By: