Somebody gotta step up Girl, I'm that somebody So I'm next up. Quotes By : Bryan Miller | Added By: Admin
Around every corner lurk greasy Fisherman's Platters that give children nightmares, Naugahyde minute steaks that put tofuburgers in a favorable light and all those ubiquitous fast-food indigestion huts Quotes By : Bryan Miller | Added By:
The quality of food is in inverse proportion to a dining room's altitude, especially atop bank and hotel buildings (airplanes are an extreme example) Quotes By : Bryan Miller | Added By:
The highway is replete with culinary land mines disguised as quaint local restaurants that carry such reassuring names as Millie's, Pop's and Capt'n Dick's Quotes By : Bryan Miller | Added By: rumapaul
The qualities of an exceptional cook are akin to those of a successful tightrope walker an abiding passion for the task, courage to go out on a limb and an impeccable sense of balance Quotes By : Bryan Miller | Added By: rumapaul