For one to expect or ask things of others that he himself, if asked, would not be willing to do or give, is the worst kind of arrogance Quotes By : Anthony Beal | Added By: rumapaul
I wonder when someone will grow the testicles to say to americans everywhere, 'Enough with the self-medicating. Seriously. What ever happened to dealing with life? Life is pain. Life is inconvenience. Life is a tall, cool glass of F**k You. Step away from the Prozac and Xanax, and Drink Up, Bitches. Refills are on the house... Quotes By : Anthony Beal | Added By: rumapaul
As long as our culture continues to fawn over its downward-aspiring lowest common denominators, the United States will remain a social and political punch line. As long as we continue tracking the every deed and fart of the Paris Hiltons and Kevin Federlines among us, we will continue to come out sixteenth best with regard to producing and introducing to the human race things of true substance worth appreciating for their aesthetic ingenuity. Quotes By : Anthony Beal | Added By: rumapaul
On the Catholic priesthood I refuse to consider anything said to me about saving my soul by any man who spends all his time with one hand on the Bible and his other hand thrust down the pants of an adolescent child. I don’t want to hear it Quotes By : Anthony Beal | Added By: rumapaul