Mardi Gras Quotes And Sayings

Mardi Gras is a festival that occurs right before the Catholic holiday of Lent. Mardi Gras quotes show that this festival is also called Fat Tuesday, and paczki are delicious pastries that are created in order to use the last of the rich ingredients in the kitchen before the Lent holiday starts. In New Orleans, Louisiana Mardi Gras is one of the biggest holidays of the year, with nonstop partying and many people drinking to excess. In South America Mardi Gras is also called carnivale, and it is also a celebration rich in color and entertainment. In the USA Mardi Gras is an opportunity for women to bare their breasts in exchange for beads from the crowd, and in New Orleans this may be overlooked as long as it is not creating problems with the crowd.

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Quotes About Mardi Gras

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