African American Quotes And Sayings

Bill Cosby was one of the greatest comedians of all times, and as an African American he had no problem discussing what is wrong with the current mindset and why the world is going downhill. Cosby took to task people of all races and colors who did not raise their children properly, instilling in them a sense of respect and responsibility that is sadly lacking in modern communities. Bill talked about using proper English instead of street slang, and how children emulate the behavior of their parents as well as their peers. Bill Cosby was admired by people of all races because he used common sense and spoke his mind, and he was hilarious while he pointed out these problems in modern society. There has never been another comedian who brought the same humor and sensible logic to the stage.

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Total: 13 Quotes

Quotes About African American

Quotes Category

Dirty Sprite 2 , If You're Reading This It's Too Late, Love, Nothing Was The Same , Picture Quotes, The Pinkprint, To Pimp a Butterfly, Views, Wildheart

Quotes Category

Dirty Sprite 2 , If You're Reading This It's Too Late, Love, Nothing Was The Same , Picture Quotes, The Pinkprint, To Pimp a Butterfly, Views, Wildheart

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