Picture Quotes

  • You’ll end up very disappointed if you think people will do for you as you do for them. Not everyone has the same heart.

    Added Date - Oct 05, 2022

    You’ll end up very disappointed if you think people will do for you as you do for them. Not everyone has the same heart.

    You’ll end up very disappointed if you think people will do for you as you do for them. Not everyone has the same heart meaning do not expect much in return when rendering assistance to people because not everyone is like you. 


    Some of us are very kind, generous, caring, and affectionate towards one another. In fact, some are very concerned about ensuring their fellow friends or even strangers do well. We understand that life is never stable neither can one on earth live without assistance (everyone needs a helper). However, if you are opportune to help someone in life, never look forward to getting the same in return. The reason is: Not everyone is the same. When you rely on people, you can get disappointed anytime and anywhere. We know a lot of you might think that it is unfair when you do good things for people but never get that in return. Well, you should know life is filled with different kinds of individuals. That is why it is best when you have a mindset that disappointment can come anytime from anyone. And when it does, what approach can you adopt in order to limit the impact? First of all, know that nobody is perfect. So when you get disappointed, do not let that weigh you down; instead, look for another alternative that will help you stay stronger and bounce back. 


    Always do things for people based on your capacity. Let your goal and needs come first before anything else. Next, ensure you’re satisfied with your current self before doing things for others. Lastly, learn to stay prepared.   

Quote of the Day

Let them say what they want, You just keep doing you.


Picture Quote Topics

Change , Being Blessed , Values , Trust , Battle For Our Lives , Praise , Actions Speak Louder Than Words , Being True To Yourself , Being Done , Strength , Happy , Inspirational , Benevolence , Navy Wife , Live For Today , Past Relationships , Compassion , Best Facebook Status , Blindness , Bravery , Hater , Opposites , Control , Dignity , Difference , Opinion , Song Lyrics , Done With You , Silence , Mothers Day Messages , Never Forget , New Day , Confession , Status For Facebook , Brother Sister , Mother Proverbs , Worth , sexes , Monday , Museums

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