Scientists say the universe is made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons. They forgot to mention morons. As we develop as a society and the population continues to grow it seems like there are more people who may be intelligent but who lack any common sense. People are falling off high places in attempts to take selfies that they can post online, ending up badly injured or even worse in their attempt to get attention and let the world know what they are doing. Few people pay attention to their surroundings in the modern age, choosing instead to stay engaged with social media and the latest technology available. There have been stories in the news of people who ended up stranded or in rivers because they listened to their GPS system rather than acknowledging what their eyes were seeing. Many people are so self absorbed that they are completely ignorant of what anyone else is going through, living life with blinders on and an attitude of “It's all about me.” We all need to take a step back, and start using common sense once more, otherwise the human race could become extinct in the future. Pay attention to the world around you and think before you act.