Most of the managers are lifetime .220 hitters. For years pitchers have been getting these managers out 75% of the time and that's why they don't like us Quotes By : Bill Lee | Added By:
You have two hemispheres in your brain - a left and a right side. The left side controls the right side of your body and right controls the left half. It's a fact. Therefore, left-handers are the only people in their right minds Quotes By : Bill Lee | Added By: rumapaul
I'm mad at Hank Aaron for deciding to play one more season. I threw him his last home run and thought I'd be remembered forever. Now, I'll have to throw him another. Quotes By : Bill Lee | Added By: rumapaul
That was real baseball. We weren't playing for money. They gave us Mickey Mouse watches that ran backwards. Quotes By : Bill Lee | Added By: rumapaul
I would change policy, bring back natural grass and nickel beer. Baseball is the belly-button of our society. Straighten out baseball, and you straighten out the rest of the world. Quotes By : Bill Lee | Added By: rumapaul