Applause Quotes And Sayings

Applause can be a positive or negative thing, and the context of the individual and the situation needs to be considered. Hard earned applause given for a job well done can be very rewarding because it shows appreciation for the effort and hard work put in, but if this becomes addictive because the individual yearns for more then it can be destructive. Applause can build confidence in those who have little self esteem and may create a surge of positive energy that builds momentum. The reason for the applause is also important, because there are some situations where applauding is the right thing to do and when it is offered it is not actually sincere. Understanding why the applause is given is a key factor in whether it is a positive or negative thing. When it is intended for encouragement it can raise self assurance and increase the image that the individual has of their skills and abilities.

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Quotes About Applause

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