No one knows how long we will live on this earth. So let's just live intentionally, stay humble, do good to others, and always pray to our God.
No one knows how long we will live on this earth. So let's just live intentionally, stay humble, do good to others, and always pray to our God.
When you die people cry and beg for you to come back, but sometimes when you're here, there don't even show they care about you.
My parents didn't raise me to take advantage of people. My intentions will always be pure. We ain't the same.
Somebody asked me what am I going to do when I make it to the top. I said reach my hand back down for the rest.
When you're doing good its so many people down with you. Even when you're doing nothing they just hang around with you. But let the lights go off an the water stop running, visits turn to phone calls and then phone calls stop coming.
The person you took for granted today, may turn out to be the person you need tomorrow. Be careful how you treat people.
When someone you love dies. You never get over it. you just slowly get through each day. But you always keep them tucked safely in your heart.