Have you ever wondered why we are all here on earth at the same time, and why you get to meet certain people and others will be strangers until your last breath. Well God allows us to meet the people that lead you to your purpose, even the ones that were trying to drag you down. You are going to ask me how the ones that tried to stop me from my spiritual path are helping me for my purpose. They made you realize how much you want it, how much you are willing to push to get to your dreams, how far you would go to reach them. And the ones that are sent to you to help you, will become like angels in your life, pushing you softly to the right direction, enlightening your path and ,while they are helping you, believe it o r not you are helping them to; to walk in their own path. It becomes a place where we are all angels to each other, helping each other to be directed and to walk in our own spiritual path, but those path are not individual to each other. All of our path is like a spider web, we are all connected to each other, and sometimes we cross each others path and other times they are just parallel to each other. But there is one thing that we all have in common is love. The love that we have for God and the love that we have for each other. And so with that love we can help each other's purpose and make this place that we live in become Paradise full of angels helping each other and loving each other.