Picture Quotes

  • When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it. You just slowly learn how to go on without them. But always keeping them tucked safely in your heart.

    Added Date - Oct 20, 2016

    When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it. quotes

    Death is a hard thing to deal with in the world, and no matter how many times you have gone through the grieving process it is different for every single person that passes on in your life. When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it. You just slowly learn how to go on without them. But always keeping them tucked safely in your heart. People are huge forces in your life, and just because they die doesn't mean that they are gone. In fact, there is generally a huge void left behind that can never quite be filled. It is ok to experience this loss though, because the people who touched your life will never be far from your heart.

    People confuse the grieving process with trying to get rid of the memory of loved ones that have left you behind. This isn't the case though, these memories should be celebrated and upheld. You should try to move forward, but remember to carry that love and those experiences with you into the future.

Quote of the Day

Let them say what they want, You just keep doing you.


Picture Quote Topics

Broken Love , Never Give Up , Feeling Lonely , Soulmates , Being Happy , Trust , Personal Growth , Human Rights , Being Different , Logic , Brotherly Love , Certainty , Christmas Giving , Beauty Pageant , Past Relationship , Compassion , Christmas Love , Easter Sunday , Funny , Hater , Meaning , Glory , Health , Father Daughter , Lost Friendship , Team work , Lonely , Generations , Sex appeal , Good Break Up , Mom , Jesus Christ , Motherhood , Thanksgiving , Mothers Day Wishes , Victory , Miss You , Brother Sister , Brother-in-law , Scientists

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