Be yourself, don't change for anyone. In life you will find people who are full of ideas about how you should change. These people will try to make an argument that they want you to change so that you become a better person, or they make their love conditional on you changing certain things. God does not make mistakes, you are perfect just the way that you are and you should never let anyone convince you otherwise. If someone tries to pressure you to change they do not care about the real you, the person that you are, they simply see a project or flaws that need to be corrected. Living your life as yourself offers freedom, and those who surround you do so because they appreciate you you really are not, just because they want to change you into someone that you are not. You are a unique work of art, priceless masterpiece, a Picasso or Van Gogh, and changing anything just to please someone else is the biggest mistake that you could make.