Picture Quotes

  • Always Pray To Have Eyes That See The Best In People, A Heart That Forgives The Worst, A Mind That Forgets The Bad And A Soul That Never Loses Faith In God.

    Added Date - Mar 22, 2023

    Always Pray To Have Eyes That See The Best In People Quote

    The saying "Always pray to have eyes that see the best in people, a heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad and a soul that never loses faith in God"make us understand the concept of life that we need to apply to make us tap into the inner peace that all humans crave for the most. THey include love, forgiveness, kindness and faith. 

    In the journey of life we often find ourselves in situations that alter our humanity and we tend to change our behaviors to people that's close to us. These situations do hurt and because of that we harbor hatred for the next person. It's human nature to make mistakes and the sooner we accpt the fact nobody is perfect the closer we are to living our best lives on earth. It can only be love, once there's that natural love dwelling between all of us we tend to make these rash decisions that we often live to regret. Through love we shall see everyone as deserving, we shall see reasons to forgive, forget and strengthen the relationship we have with our maker. We should pray for these beatitudes to be bestowed on us for us to make the stress of the world bearable. 

Quote of the Day

I've always believed that if you put in the work the results will come.

Michael Jordan

Picture Quote Topics

Self Control , Understanding , Appreciation , Insecurity , Life cycle , Ambition , Facebook Love Status , Beginning , Adultery , Arguments , Being Awesome , Choices , Death , Certainty , Complicated Relationship , Getting Over Someone , Childhood , Opinions , Blindness , Leadership , Giving Up , Self-esteem , Potential , Goodwill , Old age , Delay , Mothers Day Sayings , Security , Mothers Day Messages , Memorial Day , Holiday , Mediocrity , New Year Facebook Status , Stability , Coolness , Moments , Pride , Ego , Teaching , Mean

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